Dear Friends
Peachy is coming down the road again, sweeping aside the cabbage patches and darned socks of new Austerity Britain. In these straitened times, when neighbours pass a single cup of inevitably cooling tea from house to house, often carried by an undernourished but songful child, preferably one that doesn’t like tea, well, Peachy can be a tonic – the garibaldi biscuit pressed between two little-read books, unearthed unexpectedly during a thorough cleaning.
“Hello, Peachy!” cry the belt-tightening dwellers. Peachy is banging his drum, not especially skilfully, and marching along. His legs are pale and thin, he wears satin shorts cut quite high so that you can see his pants underneath. He is wearing yellow football socks and the kind of sandal that you can’t tell if they are from a charity shop or Totnes in Devon.
These are some of the things the people said as he banged by:
“He is debonair!”
“He cuts quite the dash!”
“Is he sly?”
“What is that playing quizzically around his mouth and eyes?”
Peachy is, of course, on his way to Toynbee Studios, whereto he will walk from his hide in Essex by the sea where he goes in between. When he gets there he will meet his trainer and cooperate with the Peachy Coochy Nite.
This is what you get:

David Gale’s Peachy Coochy Nites
The projector projects 20 images for precisely 20 seconds each. The Coocheur (or Presenter) speaks for precisely twenty seconds per image. Randomness is discouraged but narrative linearity is not automatically esteemed.
David Gale, having launched a nationwide performance must-have, continues to curate this series of Peachy Coochy events at ArtsAdmin’s new, stylish yet reassuring Bar. Each event features six Coocheurs, or Presenters, drawn from many walks of life. Each Coocheur will compose a verbal response to 20 images of their choice. Each presentation lasts 6 minutes and 40 seconds. There will be gaps between presentations for drinking and light conversation.
David, something of a Black Belt in these matters, will both compere and present the elements that, while idiosyncratic nevertheless contribute to the evolution of values of value to the group.
Here is a random thing that was remarked:
“My friend who knows nothing said that as far as he was concerned it was pleasant enough.”
(Louise 25/12/08)
Peachy Coochy Nites subscribes to the the National Belief System and is therefore committed to the provision of a wide range of contributors such as the butcher, the alienist, the mesmerist, the carver, the dowser, the dancer, the skater, the supply teacher, the mentalist.
The next Peachy Coochy Nite will be held, as usual, in the Bar at Toynbee Studios on Thursday January 29th at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5.00. Booking advised but walk up welcome.
more details here:
and a map here:
The Guardian catches some cooch:
Some of you, pleased by the Nite, may wish to compose your own presentations. See me afterwards.
The Nites will run on the last Thursday of each month apart from December. You will be notified.
all the best

Peachy: Ad: 27.11.08
Peachy: Ad: 26.02.09