


In 1978 I heard about a novel that was formally unusual.

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Susan Looked in a Pool

Susan Looked in a Pool

In ‘Susan Looked in a Pool’ when Susan found a pool in which there were anemones she said ‘See?’ and Peter said...

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Laura Pausini & Safeway

Laura Pausini & Safeway

I was pleased to find this tribute by Laura Pausini to Safeway, the UK supermarket chain taken over by Morrisons in...

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The Grand Parent

The Grand Parent

Julian’s ‘madness’ – diagnosed at the time as a variant of paranoid schizophrenia – seemed to involve two modes of...

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Peter is unworldly. You see Peter you think ‘What happened there?’ or ‘What didn’t happen there?’ Did he grow up never...

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Pleasant Enough

Pleasant Enough

Given the clairvoyant accuracy of J. G. Ballard’s assertion in the 1990s that ‘The 21st century will be the century of...

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Double Bubble

Double Bubble

I'm not so interested in people's meals or holidays or pets but I do find Facebook a useful location for small-scale...

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found an alley I hadn’t spotted before and heard sounds of jollity at the end of it. I walked...

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Inner Life Option

Inner Life Option

I suppose one reason I'm not keen on Lydia Davis appending the word 'dream' to some of her very short stories is that...

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Piano Dreams

Piano Dreams

One thing Lydia Davis does in her very short stories is to append, after some stories, in lower case italics, the word...

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This is How

This is How

I really like this image. But the text I wrote for it, just after Christmas 2019, was not of a sufficiently high...

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I saw Danny

I saw Danny

I saw Danny coming back from his work which was in a morgue across the river. He said that at work a body had come in...

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In Arms

In Arms

When you have been breastfed by Brad Pitt you quickly come to realise that life will not be all hard or all soft. As...

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You Got This

You Got This

A Preface to You Got This The phrase ‘You Got This’ can be stressed in several ways, including ‘You Got This’ and ‘You...

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Shorts in June

Shorts in June

There are many reasons why I like the very short stories of Lydia Davis. The most workaday reason is that it is...

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In a Perfect Bind

In a Perfect Bind

I was sitting down when I felt a curious sensation in my hands which reminded me of something I had had in my hands...

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I went to this hippy fair in my home town not too far from here the other day. I had been there before a couple of...

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It Has Always Been There

It Has Always Been There

In a bed at night in a Paris hotel a few decades ago I could hear a couple of men talking in the corridor. I thought...

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Street Peeve

A guy crosses the road causing a passing car to brake hard. The driver jumps out and dashes towards the guy, who is...

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Not to be Continued

Not to be Continued

The first time I saw the black plastic lapel badges they had been pinned to two well groomed young men on the Tube....

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Going Underground

Going Underground

  Saturday: Piccadilly Line: en route to the Women's March. Passengers call out "Good Luck!" as six young...

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On the radio DJ Zane Lowe was talking about a song and he made some comment or other then said 'No pun intended'. He...

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Unplank & the Dog Eaters

Unplank & the Dog Eaters

There are so many reasons why I shouldn't do this. Every time I think about it I think of fresh reasons. The fact that...

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Physics with Christ

Physics with Christ

I was gratified by the volume of feedback received after the recent post titled 'Plate'. I had not realised that my...

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The Telltale Glass

The Telltale Glass

In an earlier post about tennis on TV I wrote about how the sport, when televised live, is adulterated in order to...

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Murder in the Dark

Murder in the Dark

When I was a film student in the mid 60s I read a translation of Antonin Artaud's four page play 'A Spurt of Blood'...

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Hey, Girlfriend!

Hey, Girlfriend!

In the cinema films are edited before they get to you. You can't do anything about it. But what would you do anyway?...

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The Inner Argosy

The Inner Argosy

The man next to me has a pint glass of water, a biro and an Argos catalogue. He is bent over the catalogue circling...

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Cafe Society I

Cafe Society I

The cafe, situated on a main road, gets its fair share of passing citizens not currently carrying coin. The manager...

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Me Ree

Me Ree

I like a Knock Knock joke (Little old lady who? I didn't know you could yodel) but I have no time for riddles and...

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Captain or Crew?

Captain or Crew?

The Alice of Lewis Carroll's books would not be good company. She is pedantic, humourless, irritable and finds fools...

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Alice in Shadowland

Alice in Shadowland

The main problem with Alice is the darkness. It's not as if this were a recently concocted and Freudianised 20th...

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The marquees have been taken down and the grass can get its breath back after a month's coverage. The trestle tables...

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Alice in Progress

Alice in Progress

The website (from 2011) mentioned below is extinct but some of its contents will be found in ensuing Strength Weekly...

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The Show Must Go On

The Show Must Go On

In the course of the curtain call for 'A Dog's Heart' - Simon McBurney's sellout ENO opera based on a Bulgakov novel -...

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My Sweet Lord

My Sweet Lord

Having muted the television in order to avoid contracting depression from a very popular programme, I couldn't help...

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With Vacant Possession

With Vacant Possession

When I was a kid I would routinely project myself into the places depicted in my illustrated books. Now my kids, in...

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Details Details

Details Details

It's important, think, when you are in the publishing business, to open a piece in a catchy and...

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This is one of the images printed on stout card for the Dash Dash Dash flyers then placed around in places where...

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Fairy Liquidity

Fairy Liquidity

In her book 'Strange and Secret Peoples - Fairies and Victorian Consciousness' (1999) Carole G. Silver titles her last...

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Riverine, Movish

Riverine, Movish

Before posting on 'advertising characters' as promised below, I will report that the second season of my Peachy Coochy...

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My Name is Product

My Name is Product

Ardent readers of this publication will be familiar with the Editor's need to visit secondhand bookshops every 48...

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They Live

They Live

Ever keen to provide material for Strength Weekly by having experiences the editor of this journal and his wife...

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Stage & Screen 6

Stage & Screen 6

This is the final post in a series that begins below with 'Stage & Screen 1' In 'The Truman Show' (1998) Truman...

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Stage & Screen 5

Stage & Screen 5

This post is part of a series. Please start reading at 'Stage & Screen 1' below.In his editorial introduction to...

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Stage & Screen 4

Stage & Screen 4

This post is part of a series. Please start reading at 'Stage & Screen 1' below. In the 'Essays' section of...

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Stage & Screen 3

Stage & Screen 3

This post is part of a series. Please start reading at 'Stage & Screen 1' below. Laing's radical psychology...

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Stage & Screen 2

Stage & Screen 2

This post is part of a series. Please start reading at 'Stage & Screen 1' nearby. New ways of looking at the mad...

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Stage & Screen 1

Stage & Screen 1

A man came up to my my friend Trevor in New York in the early 80s and handed him a sheaf of densely typed foolscap....

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You Are My House Now

You Are My House Now

There's where I was born, still fairly recognisable. And there's where we moved to when I was about nine. And here's...

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Getting into Pictures

Getting into Pictures

It's a shock when you go to the pictures to see 'The Reader' because there, on the screen, albeit heavily disguised,...

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What Was Said

What Was Said

Driving west along the M4 in the early 70s with Ian. He says "You're very close to that car in front." I say "Yeah."...

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The Mind

The Mind

The manager of Strength Weekly would like to apologise for the lack of posts over the last calendar month. This was...

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In order to model human movement for incorporation into film animation Max Fleischer, in 1915, devised a system called...

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Giant Peach

Giant Peach

As a result of curating and presenting David Gale's Peachy Coochy Nites at ArtsAdmin's Toynbee Studios Bar throughout...

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This Healing Life

This Healing Life

My chair was about six feet from Anna Freud's couch. My first client, a 15 year old girl, came into the room. I...

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Trying to Situate Syd

Trying to Situate Syd

I gave a talk at 'The City Wakes' the other day. This is the week of events in tribute to Syd Barrett currently...

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Impressed, rising, I turn and study the emblem. Now that I have turned, the emblem is, effectively, upside down. I can...

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The Next Big Thing

The Next Big Thing

The animation in Pixar's 'Wall-E' is exceptional. The detail is more, rather than less, than the eye can absorb and...

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In a Book

The Live Art Almanac is a collection of responses to some questions sent out by the editors a few months ago:What...

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The City Wakes

The City Wakes

is the title of a Cambridge-based festival celebrating, from October 22nd to November 1st, the pre-London years of Syd...

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Natty Dread

Natty Dread

Market day in Dreadlock City, (aka Orgiva, Southern Spain). Down from the hills and out of the tipis they are coming...

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Strength Weekly goes to a hot place for a bit until September. After a few days we have arranged to leave the hot...

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Becoming Trinity

Becoming Trinity

In the newspaper it says 'Three charged with Kercher killing'. The headline refers, of course, to the three suspects...

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I Can Ape

I Can Ape

Doesn't time fly, readers? It seems only a year ago that I posted from the Orange Prize. That's because it was a year...

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On the other hand, walking back along the crowded Embankment from the Globe Theatre towards Waterloo, minded to check...

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quotes in this post are taken from company websites Feels like ages since I last dissed Shakespeare. As ardent readers...

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It said in the paper that among the cheating techniques used by the recently heavily fined game show broadcaster ITV...

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The Guardian runs a piece about the rash of current imported US TV series featuring the adventures and misfortunes of...

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We Can Can

We Can Can

Leake Street, round the back of Waterloo Station, Sunday after London votes for a clown to be Mayor. Thousands enter...

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Strength Weekly looks in upon itself and affects surprise at the uncharacteristically long interval between this...

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Lots: Extract II

Another extract from a script that I lost for 24 years. To get the backstory on this publishing phenomenon please...

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Lots: Extract I

This is an extract from a longlost then recently found script that I have been going on about. Please read posts from...

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Lots: Episode 7

Lots: Episode 7

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1 After a few months, not only did I stop fretting about my BBC...

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Lots: Episode 6

Lots: Episode 6

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1 Hugh tells the detectives that he lost his diary in Greenland and...

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Lots: Episode 5

Lots: Episode 5

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1 My agent was invariably cheerful. "Not to worry," he said, "We'll...

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Lots: Episode 4

Lots: Episode 4

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1 I wrote the script on my pale blue Olympia portable typewriter...

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Lots: Episode 3

Lots: Episode 3

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1 Let my imagination go. Uhuh. Roger was very likeable and I was...

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Lots: Episode 2

Lots: Episode 2

This post is in a series: please start at Episode 1One of the most moving images that Strength Weekly - in an...

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Lots: Episode I

I'm in the front room of Hilary's old house, which she is probably going to sell. All around the walls, on shelves, in...

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Set Pieces

Set Pieces

I shall carry the images to my grave. In one of the two shows I've written and directed for presentation at Wimbledon...

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Strength Weekly likes to think that its most persistent themes are of great national importance but the longer one...

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Absentee Landlord

Absentee Landlord

Seamus, an old friend and currently a part-time sailing teacher, writes, having read the 'Bob & Cate' post just...

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Bob & Cate

Bob & Cate

Suppose you go to the pictures and Jude Law (pictured right), playing someone called Frank, says "I'll be back" and he...

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The Jingling

The Jingling

Strength Weekly wishes all its readers the warmest and most relaxing Christmas that their personal belief systems will...

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I, Healer

I, Healer

It's that time of year when I write two plays in four days and rehearse each one for eight hours. This is the annual...

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Climate change deniers are like those kids back in the playground who were obedient and conventional but routinely and...

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But, anyhow

But, anyhow

Barbara Campbell is an Australian artist who has been running the 1001 Nights Cast for, at the time of writing, 898...

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Sub Urb

Sub Urb

The World's Largest Driving Simulator (2007), built by Toyota (take a ride here). Like the little sweet cake that...

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Tat Tittle

Tat Tittle

How can straight men look at men's bodies in a way that is not gay but is gay? One solution is offered in David...

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Football in Space

Football in Space

It had been two days. I had to get to a book shop lest my skin grew livid. I found myself passing a charity shop and...

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A rolling billboard ad for British Airways Club Class bears the declaration 'A new kind of club - the entrance in...

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Boiling Molecules

Boiling Molecules

In a small, warm, windowless room to one side of the lab three balances stood glistening on a bench. Each balance was...

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On a Plate Near You

On a Plate Near You

  The previous post on meat confusionism reminded me of a wedding reception I attended in the days when vegetarianism...

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For a Moment I was Meat

For a Moment I was Meat

Freud was on a train in an overnight sleeper and stepped out into the corridor to enjoy a cigar. He returned to his...

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Saw some fusspots today, in a café. The first fusspot said "I'd like an iced latte, please. And can you use milk...

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The Young Entertainers

The Young Entertainers

Now not everybody with Britney's background turns out like Britney but, even so, this should not deflect us from an...

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The Completion

The Completion

I like to read, me. If I don't do it daily I get a rash and if I don't go to a bookshop (usually a charity shop) every...

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Let There Be Lite

Let There Be Lite

Following the lamentable indulgence and gratuitous abandon of the previous post I feel it is necessary to compensate...

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While Strength Weekly has never aspired to the confessional the following intimate account contains a cautionary...

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The Resemblance

The Resemblance

On Channel 4 News, an interview with Philip Rosedale, founder and CEO of vast virtual metaverse 'Second Life'. He...

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Some years ago GQ magazine sent me to Area 51 in Nevada and Roswell in New Mexico to check out the UFO thing. I was...

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Yearning At Both Ends

Yearning At Both Ends

The over-rated 'Atonement' features a cumbersome episode on the beaches of Dunkirk. Had the episode been excised...

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Behind the Pav

Behind the Pav

Newsnight: the closing credits: Pavarotti sings from 'Tosca' as images unfold of British soldiers in Iraq. Suddenly...

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Back to Work

Back to Work

I asked an osteopath friend what had been the most significant developments in his 25 year career as a respected...

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Matt & Tom

Matt & Tom

Watching the largely entertaining "The Bourne Ultimatum", in which Matt Damon starts running over the credits and...

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Cheeky Monkey

I've been cutting things out of newspapers and magazines for some decades. When my friend Seamus insisted that I...

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The Queens Are Dead

The Queens Are Dead

Entering Cement Town from the Noise Town road, we spot a circus tent pitched up near the docks. Two camels are...

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A speed-reading woman has read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (608 pages) in 47 mins and 1 second. Well done,...

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False Economy

False Economy

The new bionic hand is impressive. The £8,500 prosthetic, unveiled today by British inventors, is extremely versatile:...

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Toy Boys

Toy Boys

The Guardian Media 100 is a list (published July 9, 2007) of the most influential media figures in Britain. At the top...

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Kid Pluck

Kid Pluck

I'm in a sunny park with 20 minutes to spare. A local primary school is holding its Sports Day a hundred yards (make...

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Work Experience

Work Experience

In 'Stop-Time', an autobiography by Frank Conroy that I am enjoying, the young Frank spends a few weeks on the streets...

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Pat & Viola

Jaye looks at Charlotte's desk and giggles. "What's funny?" I ask. "Charlotte keeps her desk very tidy," she says....

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There are two main types of shop in Venice. One sells glass, the other masks. The latter comprise both straight copies...

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The Orange Prize is held in the wholly refurbished Royal Festival Hall this year. The atmosphere is bubbly and the...

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Bunfight at Doge City

Bunfight at Doge City

The streets are rammed. Passage through the alleys is gruelling - so many tourists are gazing into shop windows that...

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As a lifelong non-combatant in the field of competitive sports - I blame the contempt-inducing secondary school...

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Peak Viewing

Peak Viewing

A photograph in this morning's Independent depicts the powerless Prime Minister, Tony Blair, standing beside President...

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Thermo Flask

Thermo Flask

The steam room is well designed. It's long with wraparound banquettes and a glass door. A guy in there holds up a blue...

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Why Do Men Walk Funny?

Why Do Men Walk Funny?

Look at these guys in the street: why do they walk so funny? It seems to be a new thing: men under the age of 25...

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Into the Fray

Into the Fray

A guy in Bar Italia is wearing an unusual jacket. It is new but all its edges are frayed instead of hemmed. The jacket...

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